Koh Samui Nathon, Thailand

Koh Samui is Thailand's second largest island (Phuket is the largest) and is described as a paradise of long sand beaches, spectacular coral reefs and swaying coconut trees.  We arrived and dropped anchor just offshore at about 8:30 a.m. yesterday (Friday, March 23).  We had signed up for the included beach excursion and boarded an island-supplied tender at 8:45 for the 15 minute ride to the island's main dock.

Glancing behind us, I couldn't help admire our ship, the Viking Sun.

We were told that until the 1970s this self-sufficient island community had no roadways; crossing the island required a full-day trek across nine miles of mountainous jungle.  As we approached the landing dock we could see a long lineup of 4 X 4 vehicles that are undoubtedly used to traverse the island on rough dirt roads, as distinguished from the paved roads that only run along or immediately adjacent to the shore of the island.  We could see a variety of other boats at or near the landing dock.


Things appear to be done in a pretty informal way on this island.  This looks like a handoff of ice from the dock to the tender we were about to disembark.

Once off the tender and on our way to waiting vans, we passed by several local folks hawking various rides and tours.

We boarded our assigned van for what turned out to be a 45-minute ride to the opposite side of the island where we were dropped off at a beautiful beach.  It was raining lightly along the way but by the time we got there the rain had stopped, and in no time the sun came out and stayed out the rest of the day.  We and another couple rented two lounge chairs on the beach under a broad tree canopy that provided perfect shade.  And added to this was the fact that there was a strong, steady breeze (which apparently didn't exist off the beach) and big waves that made for comfort and fun in this otherwise very hot, humid climate.


There were, of course, the inescapable vendors on the beach who, however unwittingly, provided some local color.


Our friend Bruce Harris and I occupied our rented lounge chairs and enjoyed the water and waves while our wives went walking.  After a few hours of this delightful relaxation, which was also for me a welcomed break from the intensity of Bangkok, Janis and I tendered back to the ship.


We have been at sea since leaving Koh Samui mid-afternoon yesterday and are scheduled to arrive in Singapore at 8 tomorrow morning for a 2-day visit.  After that we will visit Kuala Lumpur and George Town (Penang) in Malaysia the next 2 days and then spend a day in Phuket, Thailand before we are at sea for a day on our way to our first stop in India.  Because we will be occupied with landside excursions for the next 5 days in a row, it's anybody's guess when I will get to blog about those visits.  Stay tuned.


  1. So glad you got a day at the beach after all your sightseeing!


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