Love Me Tender

The Viking Sun has 4 large tenders and 2 smaller ones.  We depend on these tenders to get us ashore and back when the ship is required to be at anchor rather than berthed dockside.  There is quite a sizeable crew of men and women operating the tenders and securing the lines both to the ship and the dock.  At the end of the day, each tender is hoisted back up to its resting position and thoroughly hosed down and cleaned.

Now, it may seems strange to be as fascinated by these boats and their operation as I am, but I am.  And I like to take photos of them.  So I've decided to just publish a bunch of those photos and say no more.


  1. Hi. I too am impressed by the tenders and loved the title for your essay. One of these would certainly impress everyone on Sebago Lake! (Probably cost more than both of our houses together).

    I finally got our name (for these comments) corrected. It kept showing "John & Kim". What? Turns out it was the ampersand that was causing the trouble!

    Just caught up on your trip a bit following our own humble cruise of the Caribbean. I also enjoyed a day of snorkeling on Bonaire but was not forced to suffer the indignity of a wetsuit.
    Hard to get OUT of one of those, isn't it? I'll bet some of the heftier passengers were quite a sight - too bad you did not get some photos of that! We are enjoying FL for March and continue to wish you well on this exciting experience. John


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