Valentine's Day

I mentioned in the blog I just posted on Brisbane that today, Wednesday, February 14th, is Valentine's Day.  You all get to observe it in a few hours.  I post again because we were just treated to the most amazing late afternoon Valentine's Day concert, titled "Love in the Afternoon," in what is referred to as the ship's Atrium.  The Atrium consists of an open space in the middle of deck 1 and a grand staircase from there to deck 2.  The sides of decks 1, 2 and 3 that are adjacent to the Atrium are open to it and provide excellent viewing areas.

The cruise director, Heather Clancey, is this multi-talented woman who, among other things, is a classically trained opera singer with an amazing voice.  She is the principal organizer of all that goes on programatically for the benefit of the passengers.  So a casual mention was made at the end of the day yesterday that today at 4 p.m. various staff members, including Heather, would perform a series of love songs in the Atrium in observance of Valentine's Day.  What a show they put on!  The finale was a medley of all Beatles tunes that include the word "love".  I've previously blogged about the huge LED board at the top of the grand staircase that is constantly projecting beautiful images.  Well, during today's show these images appeared at the appropriate times.  Viking spares nothing!

Here's a selection of photos I took
from the top of the Grand Staircase during today's Valentine's Day show.






  1. Happy Valentine's Day to both of you too. Your group continues to amaze me.

    Lenny and I are particularly grateful for this day as he's just home from having an angioplasty with a stent. He had a 100% blockage of his right coronary artery. The surgeon said that he caught out in the nick of time, a mixing the big event. All's well that ends all.

    Safe travels.
    Geri (and Lenny too!) 💕


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