Auckland, New Zealand (Day 2)

Yesterday was our second, and last, day in beautiful Auckland.  In the morning Janis and I took a tour that was essentially a drive around the inner city.  Here are a few photos I took from the bus and then from the grounds of Bastion Point.  (Photos from the bus are color distorted because of the bus's tinted windows.)


We had a second stop at the Winter Garden Conservatory consisting of a set of buildings that were architecturally impressive and filled with beautiful flowers.


The tour otherwise took us in and out of several neighborhoods, each appealing for different reasons.  I had all I could do to take it all in, let alone try to take pictures as well.

In the afternoon, we took ourselves to lunch atop the Sky Tower, 1,072 feet tall, in one of its revolving restaurants offering commanding views.  We brought with us our iPhones, iPads and MacBook Pro so we could do a lot of deferred software application updating that just can't be done on the ship because of its snail-paced wifi.  So here are some photos from the top.  In one of them you can see our docked ship which looked so small from this height compared to how it looks close up.


We loved our time in Auckland.  What a beautiful and vibrant city, with water and recreational amenities all around it.

Today we were in Tauranga, NZ.  More about our day there in a separate blog.


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