Land ahoy! Yes! The Marquesas Islands - French Polynesia

After seven full days at sea, we arrived early this morning at Nuku Hiva, the largest island of the group known as the Marquesas Islands.  The Marquesas Islands, population 9,345 (August 2017), collectively constitute one of five administrative divisions of French Polynesia, itself a possession or territory of France.  We anchored in the harbor of Taiohae, a settlement that serves as the capital of the Marquesas.


After tendering in    we were greeted by a welcoming party of local residents


got our bearings

and then explored the town, including its trees and plants and two particularly impressive sculpture pieces, one of which is at the top of a hill overlooking the harbor.


After a reasonable time ashore, we tendered back to the ship where we proceeded to overindulge at lunch.


Sailaway is at 5 P.M.  Our next stop is Papeete, Tahiti with a scheduled arrival time of 6 P.M. the day after tomorrow.  Life is good!


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